Thursday, July 28, 2011

rain puts me to sleep

For the past couple of days, we were experiencing heavy rain fall due to the typhoon Juaning. And experiencing such type of weather here in the Philippines gives you the feeling of laziness. It is when I wish that I was still a student, and announcement of SUSPENSION OF CLASSES gives us that unexplainable glee. I miss it!

Since 2005, I have been working my heart out and recently, I joined my new company... so there is no time for slouching around since I have to prove myself that I can be an ASSET to this big company. But at times like this, when the rain is pouring outside.. especially that I am beside the office window.. laziness has paid me a visit.

Rain really puts me to sleep. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Park Si Hoo

Eversince I've watched 박시후 Park Si Hoo in Princess Prosecutor... I had a huge crush on him. He seems neat and a true gentleman, someone who values his admiring fans.. and true enough, Si Hoo always have the time to update his followers on his twitter account.

He is one of the reasons why I want to go to Korea if given the opportunity.. and the budget.

Saranghe 박시후
from 송희효

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

after a few minutes

finally.. after I few minutes, I've changed my template design.

I'll be conceptualizing a new banner soon. Watch out for it!

Rant of the Day

It's been a long time since I've wrote on this blog... nothing new I guess.

I've been planning to change my banner.. or create a new blog perhaps... watchathink?
The existing banner is kinda EMO i guess.. and when you read it.. it seems that there's a lot of rants and angst going in my life...

I'll update you soon once I have decided.